Wartsila Unlocks Its Shipping Potential In Pandemic


While coronavirus may have brought normal life to a standstill, there has been blistering progress in training solutions of Wartsila Cloud Simulation, says an article published on their website.

Remote operations 

Cloud Simulation allows instructors to deliver simulation training courses to student seafarers studying at home and other remote locations, without the hardware usually needed in simulation training centres. 

Wärtsilä significantly expanded the resources available at its customer support centres, which offer around the clock monitoring of ship equipment and real-time troubleshooting. In some cases, the use of remote engineers was able to cut down the time needed to complete a service from two weeks to two hours.

Solutions Director of Wartsila on FOS

Fleet Operations Solution (FOS) is central to Wärtsilä Voyage’s vision of a more connected and more efficient shipping business. FOS integrates planning stations on the bridge to offer an array of functions around voyage optimisation, vessel performance, compliance and navigational safety.

Kay Dausendschoen, Solutions Director, Wärtsilä Voyage says, “We have made steps to open up FOS to the broader shoreside ecosystem. We have also developed the Solutions Advisory Service to communicate that value to our customers. I think they have been surprised at what they can achieve.” 

Advancing vessel anatomy

More connected ship operations and a more connected marine ecosystem, developments towards vessel autonomy increased in 2020.

One important project is the IntelliTug project with PSA Marine. 

In March the PSA Polaris, a harbour tug retrofitted with a suite of Wärtsilä technology to enable autonomous navigation, completed its sea trials.

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Source : Wartsila