[Watch] Cruise Ship Flooded, Forced to Take an Emergency Detour!


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The passengers of a cruise were left terrified on rough seas after they heard a loud bang and their cruise ship started taking on water in the Atlantic Ocean.

What happened?

On October 26, the cruise ship ‘Royal Caribbean’ on a 10-night tour of the Canaries was forced to make an emergency stop at the nearest port in Vigo, North West Spain.

The cruise ship was hit by rough seas and started taking on water when it was traveling through the Atlantic Ocean. The crew members onboard the vessel were able to make a temporary repair until it arrived at the port and were forced to close off part of the boat.

Passengers terrified

The passenger were kept in the dark about the damage. They were terrified to hear a loud bang and upon enquiring they were informed that it was due to a technical difficulty.

Mr. Edwards, a passenger from Worcester, said: “The sea had been very rough during the day but were woken by a loud bang in the early hours of Sunday morning and eventually went back to sleep. When we woke the next day and opened our curtains we suddenly realized that we had docked at the port in Vigo, which we weren’t due to arrive at until November 3. We were told it was a small technical problem with the stabilizer and that we would be updated by 6 pm that evening. A large part of the ship had taken on water and they were forced to close part of it to passengers”.

Vessel forced to dock in Spain

Due to the unfortunate turn of events, the cruise ship was forced to dock at Vigo, Spain prompting a change in itinerary.

The company director claims Royal Caribbean International offered them 25 percent of what they paid for their £7,200 holiday as onboard credit and a further 25 percent off a future cruise – despite the traumatic experience.

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Source: Dailymail


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