[Watch] Hidden Camera in Cruise Ship Cabin


In an incident that has shocked many, a Florida family discovered a spy cam in their room that was mounted behind a TV set in their cabin onboard a Carnival cruise ship.

The family with their 10 year old child was travelling from Panhandle towards Mexico, when he was taking pictures of the dust found in the cabin following an allergy attack. He discovered a wired up camera with its lens pointed toward the bed behind a TV.

Upon the shocked discovery, the couple contacted the Carnival’s security team, which sent an officer to their cabin to inspect the device. But much to the family’s disappointment, they say, the officer contaminated the evidence by handling the camera without gloves. Despite the device being warm to the touch, the family says Carnival insisted the camera was non-functioning and seemed to downplay the discovery.

Statement released:

In a statement, Carnival team conveyed its security team handled the incident appropriately and thoroughly.

Carnival spokesperson, Vance Gulliksen said, “After review by the ship’s technicians, it was determined that device was not operational. A full investigation was conducted by the shipboard team in tandem with Carnival’s shoreside security personnel, who also notified U.S. law enforcement”.

Neglect alleged:

The family has alleged that the response given by Carnival was not satisfactory and the crew had neglected to follow up with them regarding an investigation.

Miami attorney Jim Walker, who has been helping the family communicate with Carnival, takes on hundreds of cases against the cruise lines each year but says this is the first time he’s heard of a passenger locating a hidden camera onboard.

He further added, “The more I was thinking about it, it got me thinking: How often does this happen? How many other passengers are being secretly recorded?”.

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Source: Cruise Law on YouTube


  1. This. One? Goes! Down. As? One. That? Was, Caught. On? Camera. As? Seen. On? Tv! Over? The river. And through? The wood’s. Yeah! One. Step? For? Man. And one? Giant! Leap. For? Mankind! And Down? Into. The history book’s! As. One. That? Just. Won’t. Go? Away! Just. When? You? Decided! To! Turn. Your? Back. For? Just. One? Second. There’s? No. Telling? Who? Just. Took? Over. This? Here? Tell? Me. Is? There. Anything? Left?. Alone! In. This? World! Anymore. –Jacob Deandre*–

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