[Watch] Giant Petrochemical Vessel on a Four-day Move


A petrochemical vessel, called a propylene-propane splitter, the heaviest load to ever hit Alberta’s highways is parked off Highway 14 just east of Highway 21 says, Edmontan Journal.

What is this splitter?

The heaviest transportation project in the history of the province is an 820-tonne, 96-metre long piece of petrochemical developmental equipment called a splitter.

It started its four day crawl to Fort Saskatchewan on Jan 07, 2019. It weighs in at over 800 tonnes and measures 97 metres long.

Splitter info

The splitter is currently being moved to Fort Saskatchewan from Edmonton where it will be installed at the Heartland Petrochemical Complex to produce polypropylene plastic.

The equipment is approximately the length of a CFL football field and weighs more than the Statue of Liberty.

The splitter left the Dacro Industries yard in south Edmonton on Sunday night and will resume moving Tuesday on Highway 21.

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Source: EdMontonJournal