Weekly Tanker Report – Week 10, 2021


The Baltic Briefing has issued the tanker report for the 10th week of this year. The report dated 12th March 2021 provides a valuable insight into this week’s tanker market dealings, freight rates, and charter activities.


Middle East region rates

Overall rates slipped further downwards, for the Middle East region 280,000mt to US Gulf via the Cape/Cape routing continues to be assessed at WS18-18.5 level. 

270,000mt to China 

Rates for 270,000mt to China eased another 1.5 points to WS28-28.5 level (showing a TCE of minus $6,000/day). 

Rate in the Atlantic region

In the Atlantic region, 260,000mt West Africa to China saw rates similarly fall 1.5 points to WS32-32.5 level (a TCE of about minus $860/day) and 270,000mt from US Gulf to China saw rates dip a further $50,000 to $4.13m, giving a TCE of about $3,700k/day on a round-trip basis.


Black Sea/Med market rates 

In the 135,000mt Black Sea/Med market rates have again remained at WS75 level ($7,300/day TCE).

130,000mt Nigeria/UK Continent market 

The 130,000mt Nigeria/UK Continent market repeated a five-point gain to WS66 ($8,500/day TCE). 

140,000mt Basrah/Med market

The market for 140,000mt Basrah/Med remains static at the WS18-18.5 level.



In the Mediterranean a busy fixing week has enabled owners to push rates up 12 points to WS112.5 for 80,000mt Ceyhan/Lavera (basis a round voyage, about $13,900/day TCE). 

Northern Europe

In Northern Europe, bigger gains were made where 80,000mt Cross-North Sea rates climbed 19 points to WS115.

Baltic/UK Continent 

Rates for 100,000mt Baltic/UK Continent advanced 23 points to WS110-112.5 level. 

Other side of Atlantic

On the other side of the Atlantic, a tightening position list and an influx of cargoes gave owners the upper hand. 

Caribbean/US Gulf market 

The 70,000mt Caribbean/US Gulf market saw rates climb 30 points to WS175 (a TCE of about $29.5k/day round trip).

US Gulf/UK Continent market 

In the 70,000mt US Gulf/UK Continent market rates rose 15 points to WS132.5-135 level.


LR tonnage rates

It has been a more encouraging week for LR tonnage where rates for 75,000mt Middle East Gulf/Japan gained around 16 points to WS91.5 region. 

LR1s rates 

It was also a more active week on the LR1s as rates for 55,000mt to Japan increased around 12.5 points to sit now at WS107.5, with the potential to increase further. That said, bunker prices have also risen so improvements on TCEs have been only limited. 

AG/East Africa MR market 

The AG/East Africa MR market has continued to firm. A week ago rates were in the mid WS160s, but have since risen to now sit around WS185 level. 

MRS on Cont/USAC trade

For MRS on Cont/USAC trade, it has been uneventful with the early sentiment in the week up around five points to WS120. But subsequently, despite reasonable volumes of inquiry, things eased back down again to WS115 level with a number of ships presently fixed on subjects. It remains to be seen how many get confirmed. 

MR US Gulf to UK-Continent backhaul trade

Backhaul trade from US Gulf to UK-Continent for MRs slightly improved from mid WS60s to just below WS70 and there was a similar modest firming trend in the US Gulf to Brazil trade where rates now sit at around WS109 representing an approximate three-point gain over the week. 

Rates from Continent to West Africa

For Continent to West Africa, rates followed the pattern of the transatlantic market and eased five points to sit now at around WS125 level.There was a sense of deja vu for Handies cross-Mediterranean with rates opening this week at WS120 region for West Med load. 

Repsol fixed a Spanish Med load at a competitive WS115, but brokers generally feel the market for both west and east Med load is hovering closer to WS117.5/120 region with Black Sea paying WS135.

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Source: Baltic Exchange