Weekly Tanker Report – Week 30, 2019


The Baltic Briefing has issued the tanker report for the 30th week of this year. The report dated 26th July 2019 provides a valuable insight into this week’s tanker market dealings, freight rates, and charter activities.


  • Rates for 270,000mt Middle East Gulf to China lost a point to WS 42.5 with talk of KPC fixing ‘east’ at WS 40.5. 
  • Assessment for 280,000mt Middle East Gulf to the US Gulf, basis Cape to Cape remains at WS 18.5/19 level. 260,000mt West Africa to China shed a point to WS 45. 
  • Occidental reportedly fixed US Gulf to China at around $5.3 million. Hound Point to Korea went at $4.5 million.


  • It was a better week for owners in West Africa, with a replacement cargo fixing 130,000mt at WS 72.5. 
  • Total paid WS 73.5 ex-Djeno and then Exxon fixed off 9 August at WS 80, all to Europe, in contrast to WS 60 a week ago. 
  • Rates for 135,000mt Black Sea to the Mediterranean was steady at between WS 72.5/75. 
  • The market for 140,000mt Basrah to the Mediterranean has hovered around the low to mid WS 30s.


  • Mediterranean sector proved uneventful, with rates for 80,000mt Ceyhan to Mediterranean steady at around WS 85. 
  • Rates remained flat in North-West Europe, with 80,000mt Cross-North Sea at WS 82.5/85, although, West Coast Norway load is said to have been fixed at WS 80. 
  • Market for 100,000mt Baltic to the UK-Continent held in the low WS 60s. 
  • The 70,000mt Caribbean to US Gulf trade was unchanged at WS 80, while 70,000mt US Gulf to the Mediterranean gained around five points to WS 75 level.


  • Market for 75,000mt Middle East to Japan remained flat at WS 80, with 55,000mt Arabian Gulf to Japan hovering between WS 95/97.5 level. 
  • The 35,000mt Middle East Gulf to East Africa market settled at between WS 125/127.5 region. 
  • In Europe rates for 37,000mt the Continent to the US Atlantic coast recovered 10 points to WS 105.
  • The backhaul 38,000mt US Gulf to UK-Continent gained over 20 points to now sit in the low WS 90s.

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Source: BalticBriefing