Weird Animal Behaviors That Will Make You Scratch Your Head !

Credit: Diane Picchiottino/ unsplash

The diverse animals that dwell on Earth have adapted to survive in their environments and interact with members of their and other species in ways that can be exquisitely fine-tuned—and sometimes downright weird.

Octopus Fight

Octopuses living in dense conditions off the coast of Australia might communicate with their fellows—by throwing things. Underwater cameras captured the cephalopods collecting shells, silt and algae with their arms and hurling them at one another by using jets of water from their siphon to propel the scraps. The researchers even observed the receiving octopuses ducking to avoid a hit.

Strange Life Of Spiders

Life can be tough for some male spiders looking to reproduce because it can end with them being eaten by their mate in a practice called sexual cannibalism. But the males of a species of orb-weaving spiders have figured out how to avoid this grisly end: energy stored in their front legs lets them catapult off a hungry female in a split second. 

The Creepiest Nose Picking

Little kids aren’t the only ones who pick their nose and eat what they dig up. An aye-aye—a type of lemur—was spotted on camera “digging for gold.” And it did so with its three-inch-long middle finger, typically used in the animals’ nocturnal hunts for insects in logs. When inserted in an aye-aye’s nose, the finger can reach all the way to its throat! As for why aye-ayes practice extreme nose picking, scientists aren’t sure, suggesting perhaps they do it because they can.

Setting a Mucus Trap

Okay, so technically these aren’t animals. But they are living organisms, and they bring plenty of weirdness to the table. Mixoplankton are protists, which are basically any eukaryote—an organism with one or more cells that have a nucleus and organelles—that isn’t an animal, plant or fungus. They get energy through both photosynthesis and eating other microbes. This year scientists discovered one species of mixoplankton, Prorocentrum cf. balticum, builds a bubble of mucus around its body overnight and then lures its prey (microbes) into this “mucosphere.” 

Fossils For Lunch

Researchers got a big surprise when their underwater cameras showed colonies of fuzzy deep-sea sponges carpeting extinct volcanoes in the extreme conditions at the bottom of the frigid, ice-covered Arctic Ocean. How were these creatures surviving in an area notoriously thin on food? It turns out they have bacteria that help them digest the fossils of long-extinct tube worms.

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Source: Scientificamerican