Why Is Japan Looking For Alternate Logistics Routes?

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In order to prepare for future disruptions similar to those brought on by the coronavirus epidemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Japan’s transport ministry is exploring new international logistics channels, as reported by NHK World.

Global economy

The ministry is taking this action in response to container ships being backed up at ports as the global economy was beginning to recover from the outbreak. Since the invasion started last year, aircraft have been avoiding Russian airspace for safety reasons.

Between March and July, the government will run a trial to assist identify alternate routes.

Companies picked from applicants will ship goods over different than usual routes that connect Japan with Europe and the US.

Supply chain disruptions

We’ll look at processes, expenses, and timing.

The ministry is thinking of having the companies deliver the goods through ports in Canada and Mexico rather than the US West Coast, where there was a backlog of container ships.

Japan and Europe might also be connected by train through China.

Otsubo Hirotoshi, a senior ministry official, asserts that if Japan has alternate routes, a bottleneck at one point won’t result in long-term supply chain disruptions.

He continues by saying the ministry wants to pre-secure a number of choices.

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Source: NHK World