Wooden Cruise Ship Engulfs in Fire Off Halong Bay



On Friday, a Cruise ship with 36 international tourists burst into flames in a seaport in the northern province of Quang Ninh.  All panicked tourists jumped into the waters and were safely rescued ashore.

Only three people reportedly sustained minor injuries and got immediate medical attention from local authorities.

A kitchen fire might have consumed the 2011 built cruise ship with 17 rooms, shortly after arriving at the Tuan Chau port from a trip around Ha Long Bay.

The 36 tourists are from England, France, Taiwan, South Korea and others, Ha Quang Long, director of the Quang Ninh tourism department, said.

Rescuers are searching for the lost assets, including passports and other valuable papers, to return to the victims.

Competent agencies are working to determine the cause of the fire.

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Source: TuoiTreNews