World’s First Full Digital Shipping Company Shaping Up


  • Under “The Contopia Factor”, entire container fleet of one shipping company will be digitalized in 2019.
  • Mid to small size shipping companies have the chance to get selected to equip their entire fleet with Loginno’s patented AGAM devices.
  • The Contopia Factor to serve the selected company with beneficial offers.

Shipping Container IoT (Internet of Things) visionary Loginno is leading an all-star initiative to select one shipping company, whose entire container fleet will be digitalized in 2019, says a report published in PR Newswire.

Initiative name explained

This initiative is called, “The Contopia Factor”,or TCF for short, a paraphrase of the well-known reality show using a new buzzword.

Contopia (a mesh of “Container” and “Utopia”), is a term used to describe a world where every shipping container is real-time IoT connected.

The chance to be a part

During the 6-month process, shipping companies of mid to small size will have the chance to submit an executive summary. They should detail what they will do exactly if they are selected to equip their entire fleet with Loginno’s patented AGAM devices.

A panel of industry leaders will then decide who will be the lucky winner to be propelled to the forefront of marine innovation.

The Benefits for the selected

“The benefits to the selected shipping company are huge,” says Nir Gartzman, co-founder of theDOCK, one of the leading global maritime innovation hubs. He is also a partner in TCF. He says, the selected company will be forever etched in history as the first shipping company to go full digital on their container fleet.

Apart from that, creating Contopia will have a significant effect on the bottom line of that shipping company, decreasing operational costs. It will also gain competitive advantages with the upgraded services that they could offer their customers.

About Contopia Partners

theDOCK is part of a group of Contopia partners, all innovation leaders and market leaders in their space, such as Lloyd’s Register (leader of the classification and marine services market), Sunwoda (electronics manufacturing giant) and IAI (defense innovation leader), with more to be unveiled soon.

How it will be done?

Dr. Rami Pugatch, one of the leading operations researchers at the department of industrial engineering and management at BGU, itself a TCF partner says: “We are going to create a unique sandbox, previously unseen in the marine sector, in which many Contopia use cases could be tested in real-life scenarios.”

Some of the use cases include the onboarding of scale-less weight measurement, SOLAS VGM compliant, the development of a “Cyber Seal” certificate to replace a container’s physical seal, as well as use cases in operational optimization, supply chain management, smart cargo insurance and frictionless country borders.

Open for proposals

“The shipping industry is ripe for disruption and for a dramatic technological upgrade,” said Shachar Tal, Loginno co-founder in a recent interview to software giant SAP.

Loginno co-founder Amit Aflalo adds: “The Contopia Factor serves shipping companies with an offer they can’t refuse: a package of competitive advantages, profitability improvements and the halo of being a true innovator. I don’t know of any eligible shipping company who would miss such an opportunity.”

The Contopia Factor competition is open for proposals by eligible shipping companies until mid-March 2019 at

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Source: PR Newswire