World’s Largest Underwater Restaurant – Shipped!



World’s largest Underwater restaurant has been fabricated by Fitzroy Engineering in New zealand and is now on its 11,100 km voyage to be the centerpiece of a resort in Maldives.

The restaurant can host 24 diners at a time to enjoy food and the beauty of marine life with replanted corals around. The diner’s journey starts from a hut on land and then down a 13 m spiral stairwell to reach this acrylic dome attached to a steel base by foot.

Food will be cooked on land and delivered by a dumb waiter, the facility is due to be available for weddings and as a honeymoon suite.

The 410 Tonne structure has been transported from the New Zealand plant to reach the cargo ship operated by a Dubai based company and is now en route to reach the destination.

The resort is due for its grand opening in August this year.





Source: GAC