Year 2100 Could See A 20 Feet Global Sea level Rise



As per latest U.S findings, published in the Journal of Science, seawater levels are likely to rise up to 20 feet within a few decades.  This prediction is based on the findings of a similar outcome in temperature rise that occurred 125,000 years ago.  Findings and research show, that during those times, the average global temperature was about 1 to 2 degree centigrades higher than the pre-industrial levels, which is close to today’s average.  The atmospheric carbon dioxide levels during those times was likely to have been  280 parts per million, but today’s levels are around 400 ppm and rising.

The research team, has found that about 3 million years ago, when the carbon dioxide levels were this high sea level peaked at least 20 feet higher than today.

Some of the recorded facts are that the global ocean levels have risen by 19 centimetres in the last century.  Since 1993 the average rate of increase in global ocean levels has nearly doubled to about 3.2 millimetres per year.  The rate of sea level rise has slowed down slightly in the most recent decade.  It is believed that the blip is due to heat being sucked up by the deeper, colder parts of the ocean.  But this could happen, in the long term result in larger rate of glacier melting and ocean level rise.  Global seal level rise for the next century is expected to be faster and greater than in the past 50 years.

With a 20 foot rise in sea water levels, Cities of Florida, New York, California, Louisiana, Virginia and New Jersey, each with more than a million people could lose land and houses, states a report by Climate central.

The EPA report states that, assuming the current rate of rise in temperatures, by year 2100 the city of New York would record a 2.3 feet increase in seawater level, the coast at Hampton Roads, Virginia would record a 2.9 feet increase in seawater level, Galveston, Texas would record a 3.5 feet rise in seawater level, while, Neah Bay in Washington State would record a 1 foot rise in seawater level.