Yemen.. UN Moves To Declare A New Truce.. And Piracy In The Red Sea

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  • Yemeni shipping sources confirmed that a Greek commercial cargo ship flying the flag of “Liberia” was attacked off the western coast of Yemen in the Red Sea
  • While the office of the envoy to Yemen stated that Hans Grundberg concluded his visit to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, during which he discussed with senior officials the situation in Yemen

The United Nations has intensified its moves to restore calm in Yemen, announcing the latest developments in the movements of its Special Envoy to Yemen, after his recent visit to the Presidential Leadership Council and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, reports Globe Echo.

Political settlement

While the office of the envoy to Yemen stated that Hans Grundberg concluded his visit to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, during which he discussed with senior officials the situation in Yemen and discussed prospects for a political settlement, Yemeni diplomatic sources confirmed that the envoy will visit the Sultanate of Oman and Sana’a during the next two days. to complete his efforts to declare a new truce.

The sources indicated that the upcoming visit to Amman and Sanaa aims to discuss ways to build on the current momentum towards an inclusive and sustainable political settlement.

In Geneva, Switzerland, negotiations for the release of prisoners are continuing between the delegation of the Yemeni government and the delegation of the Houthi militia for the sixth day in a row. During the past hours, more lists submitted by the two delegations were discussed.

Sources familiar with the course of the negotiations confirmed that the Houthi delegation refuses to disclose some of the forcibly hidden names presented by the government delegation, and tries to dodge the names of military and civilian leaders who were kidnapped from their workplaces, explaining that if a large number of names are agreed upon, It will be announced by the Office of the UN Envoy, who is managing the negotiations along with a delegation from the International Red Cross.

The attack in Red Sea

On the other hand, Yemeni shipping sources confirmed that a Greek commercial cargo ship flying the flag of “Liberia” was attacked off the western coast of Yemen in the Red Sea.

The UK Maritime Trade Operations Reporting Authority (UKMTO) announced on Saturday that “the merchant vessel was 38 nautical miles (70 kilometers) south of the port of Hodeidah when the attack occurred.”

She added that one of the boats in the dark approached a distance of a nautical mile from the right side of the ship, as the cargo ship reported four or five bursts of automatic fire, and stated that a security team on board the boat responded with fire, so the attacking boat moved away, while the ship was reported safe. and crew.

The security company, Ambry, said the ship’s name had been withheld, saying only that it was flying the flag of Liberia and that it was sailing north. It was last called in Phu My, Vietnam, sailing via Singapore.

This comes a few days after the Houthi militia deployed naval radars, planted mines freely and booby-trapped self-propelled boats in several areas on the coast of Hodeidah, western Yemen.

The militias, under the supervision of foreign experts, have also trained elements to carry out acts of maritime piracy, as part of their readiness to launch a naval attack to break the siege on the ports of Hodeidah, according to Houthi leaders, which poses major threats to navigation in the Red Sea.

This comes as the Houthi militia launched sporadic attacks with missiles, marches and heavy artillery, towards the sites of the joint Yemeni forces and civilians in the seam areas of the directorates of al-Tuhita, al-Jarrahi and Hays, south of Hodeidah.

Field sources stated that the recent Houthi attacks caused the death and injury of a number of civilians, and burned farms, noting that the aim of the attacks is to cause the displacement of residents of those areas and villages, with the aim of advancing to them and establishing combat positions close to the sea coasts.

In Marib, the Houthi militia continued its attacks on the positions of the forces stationed south of Marib, and expanded the attacks to include locations in the Serwah district, west of the governorate, and in Raghwan, northwest, which were confronted and the Houthis suffered heavy losses.

Field sources confirmed that Houthi prisoners who were captured in the Yahamam area in southern Ma’rib turned out to be prisoners who were released by the Houthis in return for fighting on the fronts.

She added that the Houthis took advantage of the prisoners who were released during the current year, and who obliged them to control geographical areas in exchange for their freedom, and as a result they took advantage of the rain in a failed attempt to create advances in Marib, and others in the western coast and western Taiz.

In addition, the Houthi militia continued to bomb the homes of citizens in the Serwah district, west of Marib, and today, Saturday, they blew up a house in the Al-Zour area of ​​the Serwah district, where the bombing operations began in mid-February, in which six civilian-owned homes in the same area were blown up with explosive devices, bringing the number of The houses that were bombed in Marib 62 houses.

The militia attacks in Marib coincided with an expanded meeting of the leaders of the Yemeni army in the governorate, chaired by Yemeni Defense Minister Mohsen Al-Daari, attended by the commander of the support forces in the coalition, Major General Sultan Al-Baqami, who discussed the latest military and field developments.

The meeting urged to raise combat readiness and prepare to defeat the terrorist Houthi militia unless it submits to a just peace according to the agreed upon references, stressing the irreversibility of restoring the state and its institutions and achieving security and stability throughout Yemen, appreciating the support and backing provided by the Arab coalition to the Yemeni people and their armed forces in the battle of destiny.

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Source: Globe Echo