Zero Emission Ship Sailing By Wind & Hydrogen Succeeded


MOL has successfully conducted a demonstration experiment using the yacht “WINZ MARU” in Sasebo-city, Nagasaki in Japan, reads an official press release

Successful demonstration experiment

During strong wind, the yacht use wind power to generate electricity using a underwater turbine to produce and store hydrogen onboard. During weak wind, the stored hydrogen is used at hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity to rotate a propeller.

Five experimental sailings have been conducted as of November 24 2021 and series of cycles has been successfully demonstrated: (1) power generation by ocean wind → (2) hydrogen production → (3) hydrogen storage → (4) fuel cell power generation → (5) propulsion by electric propeller.

At forthcoming full-scale sailing, MOL will accumulate and analyze navigation data in order to verify the actual performance characteristics of various equipment and the efficiency of the yacht (plant) itself and aim to complete the demonstration experiment by March 2022.

As a future roadmap, MOL aims to create a larger scale, about 60 meters long vessel, by 2024. Furthermore, MOL plans to develop and build much larger scale zero-emission vessel by 2030.

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Source: MOL