ZESTAs To Hold 3-Day Workshop on Zero Emissions for Shipping


The Zero Emission Ship Technology Association (ZESTAs) has announced an in-person, three-day, workshop – “SHIP ZERO – Charging to ‘True Zero’” – an opportunity for the international shipping sector to chart a course to true zero emissions for trans-oceanic shipping from November 1-3, 2021 in Glasgow, Scotland.

The workshop runs in parallel to COP26 which runs from November 1-12, 2021, also in Glasgow.

3-day event

This unprecedented three-day event brings together global thought leaders and top decision makers to brainstorm disruptive solutions with industry peers. Experts will inform on game-changing zero emissions innovations and state-of-the-art zero emissions technologies.

Finance and policy experts will share the latest intelligence on the tools and mechanisms required to achieve “true zero” in this decade.

The time for half measures on climate action in the shipping sector has past,” said Madadh MacLaine, Secretary General, ZESTAs. “That’s why we’re bringing together industry, government and thought leaders to create joint initiatives that will provoke strong action in the first half of this decade. We have the technology to build, fuel and operate fully zero emissions vessels of every class and size. It’s time to do it.”

The three-day workshop will include robust technical presentations and speakers’ panels. Audience Q&A and brainstorming sessions will follow each session to facilitate collaborative solution building throughout the three-day event.

Highlights of the agenda

  • Zero Emissions Vessels on the Water Today: Ivan Østvik of Norled reviews the Hydra, a hydrogen powered Norwegian ferry that can carry 80 cars and 10 trucks with 400kw of PEM fuels cells and 1.36 MWh of battery power;
  • True Zero Emissions Vessels in Hard to Abate Sectors – in Design or Build: Dannielle Doggett, CEO of SailCargo Inc. will present on the design for their hydrogen wind cargo vessel;
  • Mr. Sveinung Oftedal, chair of the International Marine Organization (IMO) intersessional working group on greenhouse gases will speak about recant outcomes of Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC76), implementation of short-term measures and upcoming IMO regulations.

There will be networking opportunities throughout the three days including buffet lunches and drink receptions with hors d’oeuvres at the end of each day.

“SHIP ZERO – Charging to ‘True Zero’”

“SHIP ZERO” presents a unique opportunity to network and create a new vision for the industry with fellow industry thought leaders and initiators in brainstorming breakout groups to formulate ways that policy, finance, market, and technology can all be used to leverage rapid transition to a zero emissions sector. By the end of the three days, we will have produced a navigational chart with action waypoints guiding industry to the safe haven of “true zero.”

We have organized this event to bring thought leaders and decision makers who are not afraid of change into the same room to share their knowledge and expertise, visioning joint solutions that will achieve ‘true zero,’” said Madadh MacLaine, Secretary General ZESTA.  “Each one of these players has a piece of the puzzle that will build our ‘true zero’ future.”

In the weeks following the event, the outcomes of the brainstorming sessions will be compiled into a report to be distributed to legislators and industry stakeholders.

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Source: ZESTAs