A Sensor to Monitor and Measure Dangerous Gases


Low-Cost Remote Detection of Hazardous Gas Levels


Ensuring health and safety of employees in industrial settings is always a challenge.  There are various well-established technologies already existing for this purpose.  Researchers at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and the Technical University Madrid have developed a prototype sensor system that uses a combination of  chemical sensors along with the above technologies to perform computerised photograph analysis to detect the presence of hazardous gases, remotely and around the clock.  The prototype sensor system which not only allows the remote detection of dangerous gases (CO, NO, NO2), but can estimate their concentration levels.

How the sensor system works ?

The low cost sensor is a simple system which enables detection of hazardous gas as a visual process.

  • The new system deploys a chromogenic display of 13 active and two inactive chemical compounds on-site that change color in the presence of certain gases.
  • A minicomputer automatically analyses the images of this display clustered in a web cam, looking specifically for certain colour changes.
  • The outcomes of the analysis are sent to remote computer by using standard internet protocols.

Where can it help ?

  • It’s viable for usage in remote hazardous gas detection using colorimetric sensor arrays.
  • The low cost solution can be assimilated with other control systems.
  • It is ideal for usage in industrial locations where maximum hazardous gas boundaries need be monitored and observed constantly.
  • It helps in quality evaluation of foods wrapped in plastic packaging.

Source: RUVID


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