‘Cease-Work’ at DSME – More Emphasis on Shipyard Safety



The fire which killed one and injured seven at DSME has forced the Korean Government to impose a ‘cease-work’ on five of the ships which are under construction at the yard.  The government in its order has stated eight days of ‘cease-work’ that will take immediate effect until work safety is guaranteed and the workers are educated on safety at work.

A spark from a welder’s torch lit the fire and thus led to the subsequent explosion of one of the tanks of the 85,000 ton LPG tanker.

Recently DSME took a decision to sell its Seoul Head quarters to bridge the financial losses.  Whereas this accident has turned all the faces towards shipyard and workforce safety than anything else.

DSME is working with its committee to enhance safety and strengthen safety awareness of its workers.

Source: Yonhap News