Cheapest Cities Worldwide To Drink A Beer


GoEuro has come up with the beer price index that offers the overall price of beer for each city.  They have calculated it by averaging the cost of a beer in a supermarket and in a bar.


A research conducted by Berlin-based travel cost comparison site, GoEuro has come up with the beer price index that can help a truly single minded travel individual to find the cheapest beers in the world.  This study has calculated the overall price of beer for each city by averaging the cost of a beer in a supermarket and in a bar.  The below graph is a reflection of the average price of both beers in bars and supermarkets.  The cheapest beer is available in a supermarket of Krakow on the border of Poland where it costs 33cl for 62c.  Kiev, capital of Ukraine also comes out as an equal with Krakow on average.  The cheapest drink in a bar is available in the capital of Slovakia called Bratislava where it costs $1.66.  It is also available at Thailand or Vietnam.

Infographic: The Cheapest Cities Worldwide To Drink A Beer | Statista
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