Coke Tryouts With New Logo To Bring Uniformity



Coca-Cola is planning to keep every type of Coke under its iconic red branding and erasing its famous script from its new cans.  The new logo consists of white ribbon, fluttering against Coke’s theater-curtain-red backdrop.

This campaign is developed by McCann-Erickson’s agency branch in Dubai. It is coming up with limited-edition of the new package design in Middle Eastern countries for the month of Ramadan.  The aim of Coca-Cola’s umbrella campaign is to fight prejudice where they have put up a message that doesn’t label other people.

Now-a-days, corporate logos are evolving to become simpler and flatter. For instance, Twitter had earlier used a full-fledged cartoon as its mascot whereas currently it’s a flat white bird with very little plumage.  Even the Facebook, too, has adopted simplicity to its logo mark.  The coke cans with new logo reflect a lot on today’s branding landscape.  It has gone for a simpler look and visually connects with whole of coke family without sacrificing design identity; the ribbon is enough to let us the whole story.