DHT to Retrofit Ban Compliant Scrubbers on 16 Vessels


DHT Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DHT) issued a press release on their website thanking its shareholders for their continued interest and support. The company’s co-CEOs, Trygve P. Munthe and Svein Moxnes Harfjeld also announced their plans to retrofit scrubbers on 16 vessels.

The announcement

They have announced that they will fit exhaust gas cleaning systems, commonly referred to as scrubbers, on two thirds of our VLCC fleet during this year.

The retrofit is to be done for 16 ships built between 2004 and 2012, representing the ships within the fleet that stands to gain the greatest economic benefits. The two newbuildings delivered from Hyundai Heavy Industries this year had scrubbers installed. Taking the total to 18 out of 27 ships with scrubbers.

Enforcement of new regulation

DHT stated, they are “neither for nor against scrubbers”, but deem it their responsibility to position DHT as best as they can ahead of the implementation of the new regulations.

DTH  believes scrubbers to be an economical way to comply with the new regulations. They also shared some important details of their scrubber program.

Compatible in no scrubber ports too

DHT says fifteen of the scrubbers installed will be able to clean the Sulphur content in the exhaust gas down to 0.1%. This will enable these ships to operate with scrubbers within emission control areas (ECA) and ports, where permitted.

Secondly, the fuel tank lay-out is configured such that it allows to carry various grades of fuels. This facilitates the flexibility to consume compliant fuels with 0.5% or less Sulphur content when in emission control areas and in ports that does not permit scrubbers.

They say they have elected such a configuration in anticipation of countries implementing stricter rules related to use of scrubbers when ships operate in their respective near seas and ports.

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Source: DHT