Philthy Animal Drummer Passes Away


Phil Taylor, the former Motorhead drummer, who featured in “Philthy Animal” has died at the age of 61.


His Career:

  • Taylor played with Motorhead from 1975 to 1984 and 1987 to 1992 – dubbing the interim period “a holiday”.
  • In 1975, bassist, singer, and songwriter Lemmy formed Motorhead, which was to become one of the defining British metal bands of the 1980s.
  • Taylor quit in February 1984, but rejoined after three years and was present on all the band’s major albums, including Overkill, Bomber, Ace of Spades, and live recording No Sleep ’til Hammersmith.
  • He was fired in 1992 during the recording of the March or Die album after he failed to learn the drum tracks on the song, I Ain’t No Nice Guy.

His bandmate and friend has said.

Guitarist “Fast” Eddie Clarke wrote on Facebook: “My dear friend and brother passed away last night…  He was one hell of a character.  Fortunately we made some fantastic music together and I have many, many fond memories of our time together,”

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