‘Project Forward’  Designs LNG Powered Dry Bulk Carrier



The dry bulk carriers make up a large proportion of the world fleet.  The owners are saddled with the responsibility of compliance with lower emissions standards and deciding within the next 5-10 years.

Project Forward, a joint development project  led by Athens-based bulk carrier owner Arista Shipping, with Deltamarin, Arista Shipping, ABS and GTT aims at developing a commercially feasible LNG-powered dry bulk carrier design capable of complying with International Maritime Organization’s Energy Efficiency Design Index 2025 standards, NOx Tier III and Marpol Annex VI SOx emission levels.

The concept design will have the following features:

  1. The highly-optimised Deltamarin B.Delta design is suitable for ships between 82,000 and 210,000dwt.
  2. Design to employ GTT’s membrane-type LNG tanks for fuel containment.
  3. Compliance with stricter environmental regulations.
  4. A modularized LNG fuel retrofit solution for bulk carriers of various sizes with its valuable insights from real-world experience classing the world’s first deep sea ships powered by LNG.
  5. Safe adoption of the new fuel type.
  6. Expected emission reductions from Project Forward could be 40% for CO2, 80% for NOx and 98% for SOx.

“It is time for the shipping industry to move forward and embrace the potential of gas-fuelled merchant ships,” says GTT Vice President LNG as Fuel division Jacques Danton. “At this time, we can recognise market leaders launching LNG projects now in order to be the first on the learning curve.  During the ramp up phase of LNG as fuel, autonomy will be a key feature for integrated solutions as provided by membrane technology”.

Source: Deltamarin