[Watch] Manoeuvrability Analysis in Panama Canal New Locks


Manoeuvrability Analysis In Panama Canal New Locks

The simulation exercises in the new set of locks of Panama Canal were carried out between September 11th 2015 and April 14th 2016 at FHM the “Fundação Homem de Mar” Manoeuvring Simulator Class A in Rio de Janeiro.

The study aimed at analysing, using mathematical models, the safe manoeuvrability of a Neo-Panamax vessel, fully loaded, on daylight, passing the new locks and assisted by tugboats of similar characteristics than those operating at the time the study was implemented.

Different environmental conditions historically recorded in the area, including current and wind, were used in the simulation exercises.

The data of the area, tugboats, model vessel and environmental conditions were provided by the contracting party.

For more information, please visit here 

Disclaimer: This video is intended for informational purpose only.  This may not be construed as a news item or advice of any sort.  Please consult the experts in that field for the authenticity of the presentations.

Source: ITF Americas on YouTube