14 Flags Black Listed by the Paris MoU Committee


  • The Paris MoU Committee approved the 2019 inspection results and adopted new performance lists for flag States and Recognized Organizations (ROs).
  • A total of 70 flags are in this year’s list, including 41 on the “White List”, 16 on the “Grey List” and 13 on the “Black list”. These lists are in effect from 1st July 2020.
  • The total number of flags dropped from 2018, when the total number of flag States on the list was 73 of which 41 on the “White List”, 18 on the “Grey List” and 14 on the “Black List”.
  • In addition, a total of 33 ROs were recorded on the performance list. Compared with last year’s performance level.
  • The level of RO performance is similar, with 3 ROs in the very low performing parts.

A recently published article in the Safety4Sea deals with the list of flags approved by the Paris MoU Committee on the basis of 2019 inspection results.

Detainable deficiencies

When one or more detainable deficiencies are attributed to a Recognized Organization in accordance with the Paris MoU criteria, it is recorded as “RO responsible” and the RO is informed. Out of 526 detentions recorded in 2019, 80 (15%) were considered RO related (17% in 2018).

White, Grey and Black List

The “White, Grey and Black (WGB) List” presents the full spectrum, from quality flags to flags with a poorer performance based on inspection outcomes.

It is based on the total number of inspections and detentions over a 3-year rolling period for flags with at least 30 inspections in the period.


The “White List” represents quality flags with a consistently low detention record.

Flags with an average performance are shown on the “Grey List”, while flags at the lower end of the “Grey List” should be careful not to neglect control over their ships and risk ending up on the “Black List” next year.

Explore more in this document below:


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Source: Safety4Sea

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