Fatality of a Salon Manager in Cryotherapy Machine


Fatality of a Salon Manager in Cryotherapy Machine


Cryotherapy was developed to help athletes treat sore muscles.  In recent days, it is used as a weight loss and beauty tool.  It burns calories and reduce inflammation by freezing skin for just a few minutes at a time.

Twenty-four-year-old Ake-Salvacion, the manager of Rejuvenice salon in Henderson was found dead in the cryochamber.  It is believed that Ake has entered the machine alone after hours without turning it off. She died within minutes.

The cryo chambers are used as an alternative to cold-water immersions or ice packs. A person cannot use the machine for more than 3 minutes.  Ake’s body was found after spending 10 hours inside a chamber that blasts out air as cold as -151 degrees Celsius.

Shae-Lynn Bee, Ake’s friend, said, “I do know that she was alone closing the shop up and then did go into the machine and apparently did not turn off.  She was my best friend, and I’m going to miss her dearly.”

A post on the salon’s Facebook page said: “Tragic ending to a beautiful life. We will all miss you. Rest in Peace.”

The owners of the salon did not comment on this incident but expressed their condolences.

Source: NBC News