Drewry Container Port Throughput Stabilized During July


  • the Drewry global port throughput index has stabilized at 138.3 points in July 2021
  • the Drewry Container Port Throughput Indices are a series of volume growth/decline indices based on monthly throughput data
  • for a sample of over 235 ports worldwide, representing over 75% of global volumes
  • throughput across the global sample was up 3.7% compared to July 2020, but just 1.3% higher than reported in July 2019

Following a monthly decline of 2.3% in June 2021, the Drewry global port throughput index has stabilized at 138.3 points in July 2021. Throughput across the global sample was up 3.7% compared to July 2020, but just 1.3% higher than reported in July 2019 says an article on Drewry.

Container Port Throughput Indices

The Drewry Container Port Throughput Indices are a series of volume growth/decline indices based on monthly throughput data for a sample of over 235 ports worldwide, representing over 75% of global volumes. The base point for the indices is January 2012 = 100.

Drewry’s latest assessment – September 2021

• Following a monthly decline of 2.3% in June 2021, the Drewry global port throughput index has stabilized at 138.3 points in July 2021. Throughput across the global sample was up 3.7% compared to July 2020, but just 1.3% higher than reported in July 2019.

• The largest region China was the worst performer, with a monthly decrease of two points (-1.4%) and an annual decrease of three points (-2.1%) in July 2021, as a result of ongoing supply chain disruption and the slowing of the Chinese economy. However, at 147.7 points, the index stood 2% above the 144.9 points recorded in July 2019.

• Recovery in the European and the Middle East & South Asia regions continues to lag, with the July 2021 indices remaining 3% and 2% lower than pre-pandemic July 2019 levels.

• In contrast the North American and Latin American regions continue to perform well, with double-digit annual growth of 12.5% and 14% respectively, and both regional indices standing more than 5% above July 2019 levels.

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Source: Drewry