900+ Solar Panels on a K-Line Car Carrier Make it “Drive Green”!


K Line’s Energy Efficient ship, “Drive Green Highway”, is the first among eight solar assisted car-carrier ships that was launched in Nagasu Port in Kumamoto, Japan earlier this week.

Features :

  • Ship is 200 meters long, 37.5 meters wide
  • Ship Can carry upto 7,500 passenger vehicles at one go
  • Ship has a top speed of 20 knots and a weight of 76,387 tonnes
  • Ship has more than 900 of Solar Frontier’s CIS solar panels have been installed on its top deck, totaling 150 kilowatts of electricity generation capacity
  • The array is said to be one the largest solar power systems installed on a ship in the world
  • It also has an aerodynamic design that cuts wind resistance by 20%, LED lighting, exhaust gas heat recovery system for the diesel generator, a SOx scrubber and a low NOx emission engine incorporating an exhaust gas reticulation system
  • Ship will emit 25% less carbon-dioxide (CO2), 50% less nitrogen-oxide (NOx) and 90% less sulfur-oxide (SOx) per vehicle transported


“K Line is demonstrating how solar energy can improve the energy efficiency and reduce the ecological impact of the shipping industry,” said Atsuhiko Hirano, CEO of Solar Frontier.  “This is one example of the greater role that solar energy has to play in our future, supporting an ever broader range of technologies in a wider range of industries.”

Disclaimer: This video is intended for educational purpose only and not to be construed as a news article.

Video source:  川崎汽船株式会社 “K”LINE on YouTube

Source: Solar Frontier