Seafarer Falls Overboard A Bulker And Dies


A Chinese seafarer fell overboard and died over the weekend at the Port of Tauranga in New Zealand


A seafarer was working on a bulker in New Zealand.  He accidentally fell overboard and died on Saturday.

A Chinese Seafarer who was helping to secure the vessel’s deck cargo of logs accidentally fell overboard between the pier and the ship.  The accident happened at 0915 hrs on Saturday morning.  The local authorities immediately launched a rescue effort and the team started its search under water.  NZ Navy divers, who were in port at the time of the incident, joined the search efforts.  Three hours later the body was found at the bottom of the harbour.

In a statement, the shipping company said: “We deeply regret this unfortunate incident and our thoughts are with his family.  The company wishes to thank the local authorities for their immediate assistance and action and is co-operating with Maritime New Zealand’s investigation into the accident.”

The investigation into the accident is underway.

Source: NZ Herald