Car Carrier With 500 Vehicles Ran Aground In Columbia


Car Carrier

Incident : Grounding
Vessel type : Car carrier
Location : Buena ventura port in Columbia
Casualties/Pollution : Nil

The vessel, carrying 500 vehicles, was enroute from Japan to the Pacific coast of Latin American country while it ran aground in Columbia.  The report says that the vessel left the fairway and grounded into sand/mud shallow, several nautical miles from the port.

The incident is said to have happened when the vessel was approaching the Buenaventura port in Columbia.  The vessel got stuck hardly that it could not refloat on its own power.  Two tugs were dispatched to the spot to assist the vessel.  Nearly after seven hours, the tugs succeeded to refloat the vessel.  There were no damages reported to vessel nor to the environment.

Authorities are investigating the root cause of the incident.  The preliminary reports said that the grounding was caused by human mistake and wrong navigation by the duty officer.
