MOL Tabletop Drill Prepares for Serious Marine Accident


Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. announced that it conducted a tabletop drill based on simulation of a serious marine accident involving an MOL-owned crude oil tanker, with objectives to confirm its emergency response system in preparation for serious marine accidents.

Tabletop drill

MOL has conducted the drill in face to face, but based on the current situation that remote work has increased, confirmed smooth cooperation and information gathering among concerned parties by using online tools for in-house meetings and simulated press conference.

The drill, held on Friday, October 15, 2021, was designed to demonstrate that the company can respond swiftly and appropriately in case of a serious marine accident and maintain the timely flow of accurate information, while building group-wide safety awareness. MOL also strives to further sharpen its group-wide emergency response readiness through these regular exercises.

Under the drill scenario, an MOL-owned crude oil tanker ran aground in Corpus Christi Bay in the U.S. state of Texas, after loading crude oil for export to Japan in the Port of Corpus Christi. The grounded tanker blocked vessels from entering and leaving Corpus Christi Bay from the Gulf of Mexico.

Leader in safe operation

Upon receiving a report of the accident, MOL organized an Emergency Control Headquarters in the Head Office. It used online tools to hold conferences among the parties involved. To reconfirm processes such as reporting and communication that are critical in an emergency, the time frame of the drill spanned from the occurrence of the accident to a simulated press conference and verified the company’s capability to ensure smooth cooperation and information-gathering among concerned parties. In addition, based on information collected, the headquarters discussed responses to be taken as the shipowner and operator, reviewed the emergency response system, and then practiced responding to media inquiries at the online simulated press conference.

MOL’s tabletop drills are intended to make sure that every employee has a higher awareness of safety and to help the company forge ahead to “become a world leader in safe operation,” while developing and enhancing a solid emergency response structure.

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Source: MOL