Gravel Bulker Listed Off Norway After Grounding


The bulker developed a list after running aground off the coast of Sumarsoyna on Tuesday.


Incident Grounding
Date 22nd March 2016
Vessel type Bulker
Location Off the Norwegian island of Sumarsøyna, Outer Solund
Casualties/Pollution Nil

The 1993-built vessel started taking on water in its ballast tank area due to a breach in its bow caused by the grounding.  Her crew of eight remains on board and a response vessel of Norway’s Joint Rescue Coordination Center is alongside to assist.

The rescue vessels have been dispatched to the scene to monitor the vessel and evacuate the crew, if required.  The Coast Guard vessel Tor was dispatched to join the response effort; she carries pumping equipment for dewatering the bulker.  No injuries or pollution has been reported.

The cause of the grounding is unknown and is under investigation.  According to the reports, the vessel was loaded with gravel and was en route from Florø in Norway to the port of Rostock in Germany.

Source: NRK