Glen Lyon Mooring Operations Under Way


Lyon Mooring Operations Under Way


Glen Lyon a floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel, which is located 175 km west of Shetland and currently cared for by offshore support vessels, has got the much needed weather window to moor the brand new production ship on Quad 204 (the Schiehallion field cluster) on the West of Shetland sector of the UKCS.

The AIS (automated ship positioning system) shows the Maersk Laser, Normand Progress, Normand Ranger and Normand Prosper holding her on station while mooring legs are progressively picked up and secured to the vessel’s massive rotating turret system.

The company had been holding the vessel at Haugesund, Norway for final adjustments pending on weather.  During the official visits of the experts to Glen Lyon recently in the port, it was clear that the ship was in excellent fettle and ready to go.

In close attendance is the Normand Installer, which will be assisting with picking up the massive 9,000-tonnes spread of chains.

Weather conditions appear to be good with weather pressure charts showing a slack (benign) system prevailing now and for several days to come.

Assuming no significant delays or hitches over the summer, production from £3 billion Quad 204 should restart before the end of the year.

Source: Energy Voice