Seafarer Falls to Death on a Lifeboat Aboard the World’s Biggest Cruise


Safety exercise ends up in disaster killing a crew member

  • Safety drill on the Harmony of the Seas Kills a crew injures four others.
  • Harmony of the Seas is the world’s largest cruise liner at 362 metres long, and can hold more than 8,000 passengers and crew.


On September 13, an accident during a safety drill on the world’s biggest cruise liner, the Harmony of the Seas, killed a Filipino crewmen and injured four others, while it was docked in Marseille.

The 42-year-old Filipino crew member died when a lifeboat, with five crew, became detached from the fifth deck during a safety exercise.

It fell 10 metres (33 feet) into the water.  Two crew members are in hospital with life-threatening injuries.

The accident happened during a stopover in Marseille.

The injured crew members included three other Filipinos and an Indian man, AFP reports.

The Royal Caribbean Cruise company, which operates the Harmony of the Seas, also confirmed the death on its Twitter account.  “We’re keeping our colleagues and their families in our thoughts and prayers,” the company said.

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Source: La Provence