[Watch] This Drone Specializes in Cleaning Hulls of Ships


Keelcrab Sail One is an interesting underwater drone specializing in cleaning the hulls of ships without damaging their paint, being compatible with all types of paintings. In addition, it has a mechanism that allows fixation in the hull of the ship and to be able to move around it and proceed cleaning. At the same time it can be coupled with different types of brushes besides being able to have different accessories.

Remote control system:

Best of all is that anyone can handle Keelcrab Sail One from their remote control system as it is designed for easy handling for anyone without any technical skills. From the remote control, you can also see images taken by the camera of the drone in a 7 inches screen, and it is also possible to save them through a microSD card.

Limited scope:

Of course, both the remote control and the drone itself must be connected to its electronics box which must also be connected to an electrical outlet. This time we have a device that does not have electrical autonomy, whose scope is limited to the length of the cables. At the moment Keelcrab Sail One is available through its financing campaign on Indiegogo.

Set for launch:

This campaign is still available for two more months and to date has already reached 87% of the flexible target set at 15,000 Euros around $ 16,400, having already received more than 13,000 Euros around $ 14,210 of funding. The rewards to which the sponsors are eligible will be sent to any part of the world during the month of July of this year. Among them there are packs with different types of accessories. In addition, the creators of the project have an online market where they can obtain different complements for the drone.

Disclaimer: This video is intended for informational purpose only.  This may not be construed as a news item or advice of any sort.  Please consult the experts in that field for the authenticity of the presentations.

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Source: HiTechGazette