Hundreds of Nike Trainers Wash Up on Beaches After Being Lost At Sea


According to an article published in Telegraph UK, Nike trainers have been washing up on beaches across the UK in their hundreds for more than a year after a shipping container lost its cargo in a heavy storm.

What happened?

Beachcombers in Cornwall started finding the shoes after they began appearing on beaches across the world, from Bermuda and the Bahamas to Ireland and Orkney. The unworn footwear was first spotted being washed up on Flores Island, in the remote Atlantic archipelago of the Azores last September.

Their numbers became so great that it was clear they were part of something greater than the usual flotsam of abandoned items.

The mystery of washed up sneakers

Aside from the vast number, many of the trainers and flip flops appeared to be unworn and many were identical, with the same production dates printed on their labels.

Then, 1,400 miles away in Cornwall, Tracey Williams began to notice a similar trend. “A friend in Ireland asked me if I had found any,” Ms. Williams told the BBC. “I went out the next day and found quite a few. Beach cleaners or beach-combers tend to network, so if a certain item is washing up, we quickly find out about it and were then on the lookout.”

Many are convinced that the shoes formed part of the shipment being carried by cargo ship the Maersk Shanghai last March.

Cargo ship hit by a storm

The Liberian-registered ship had departed from Norfolk, Virginia and was headed down the east coast to Charleston, South Carolina, when it was hit by a storm.

The high winds and heavy seas swept around 70 containers off the ship, the vast majority of which were never recovered.

Two footwear brands, Triangle and Great Wolf Lodge, are said to have confirmed that some of their products that had been on the ship had been retrieved.

The shape of shoe crucial for washing up

Dr. Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an oceanographer, said the shape of the shoes dictated where they end up.

The left and the right sneakers float with different orientation to the wind,” he said. “So when the wind blows on them they will go to different places. So on some beaches, you tend to get the left sneakers and on others, you get the right.”

Negative effect on marine wildlife

The World Shipping Council estimates that of the 218 million containers transported annually, more than 1,000 go overboard but experts believe the real number is likely to be higher.

The Marine Conservation Society said products such as trainers harm marine environments but do not count as “harmful” for the purpose of reporting cargo lost at sea.

But it warned that the shoes would break down to micro-plastics over years, which will have a devastating impact on wildlife.

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Source: TelegraphUK