Alien Ship Has Entered Our Solar System : Harvard


Extraterrestrial life has always been a hot topic of discussion. It’s just a very exciting feeling to believe that civilization exists outside of our planet that we may have no idea about. The latest is, a HARVARD professor insisted that he has found part of an alien spaceship and is in the process of finding the evidence, writes Freddie Jordan in an article published on

Cigar shaped sail or asteroid?

The head of Harvard’s astronomy department Avi Loeb believes that he has found part of an alien spaceship and is working to find the evidence.

He claims that a cigar-shaped object discovered in 2017 is a sail, and that it is travelling far too quickly to be an asteroid.

As of now scientists have determined the object to be of “cigar-shape”, due to its complex rotation. They suggest it is a “cigar-shaped” rock.

Not a Comet’s tail or an inert rock

Mr Loeb in an interview shared that he has been working on an equation that will prove that the strange interstellar object, called Oumuamua and currently passing the orbit of the Jupiter, is a part of an alien spaceship.

The astronomer, who has been derided by his colleagues, thinks that Oumuamua is a lightsail that was once the driving force of “advanced technological equipment.”

The object, Mr Loeb claims, has no trace of a comet’s tail and is moving too quickly to be an inert rock.

Uses sun’s rays to move?

According to the astronomer, it’s a kilometre-long and 1-millimetre-thick obloid lightsail, which is so light and thin that it’s capable of “catching” the sun’s rays and uses them as “wind” propelling it further into space.

‘Oumuamua’ – ‘Visitor from afar arriving first

“We find that although very thin, such an object can travel over galactic distances, maintaining its momentum and withstanding collisional destruction by dustgrains and gas, as well as centrifugal and tidal forces” Loeb and co-author Shmuel Bialy wrote in a paper published to Astrophysical Journal Letters.

The unusual object was first spotted in 2017 by a team of astronomers operating the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii.

It’s the only confirmed interstellar visitor to date; the Hawaiian name ‘Oumuamua’ translates to ‘visitor from afar arriving first.’

Evidence essential – ‘FOR’ and ‘AGAINST’

The renowned astronomer also said, “If someone shows me evidence of the contrary, I will immediately back down.”

Theoretical astrophysicist Ethan Siegel dismissed the pair’s findings as “extraordinary, science-fiction level conjecture, with practically nothing more than their own speculation to back it up.

“We often say that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and in all of these cases the evidence is very, very ordinary indeed.”

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