AMSA And IMO Join Forces To Combat Marine Plastic Pollution


Plastic Free July, supported by AMSA and the International Maritime Organization (IMO), is a global initiative encouraging millions to reduce plastic use and adopt sustainable alternatives. This effort is part of a broader strategy to combat plastic pollution in marine environments.

Enhancing Garbage Record Books

New global requirements under the MARPOL Convention, effective May 2024, mandate vessels of 100 gross tonnage and above to maintain garbage record books. These books are crucial for tracking garbage management and disposal, helping to reduce plastic discharge in oceans and ensuring compliance to avoid penalties.

Addressing Fishing Gear Pollution

The IMO is expanding reporting requirements for lost or discarded fishing gear to combat marine plastic pollution. These requirements aim to discourage gear discharge, encourage reporting, and support safe retrieval. Additionally, the IMO is considering global fishing gear marking to identify the origin of lost gear.

Reducing Plastic Pellet Spills

To mitigate the environmental risks of plastic pellet spills during maritime transport, the IMO has developed recommendations for better packaging, identification, and stowage of plastic pellets. These measures aim to prevent spills that harm marine wildlife and ecosystems.

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Source: Safety4Sea