An App to Monitor and control Power consumption.


app ‘Eddy’  the new prototype app by Australia’s national science organisation,  puts people in control of their power consumption, with the aim of reducing expenditure and greenhouse gas emissions.

The app which currently monitors air conditioners and pool pumps, will eventually support turning on and off individual light bulbs.

Eddy Expectations :

  1. Connect many of our home appliances to the internet,
  2. Unprecedented control of our homes from anywhere in the world,
  3. Can cut down their electricity bill and carbon footprint.

Eddy factoids :

  • Developed by Australia’s national science organisation, the CSIRO.
  • Created with app development company HabiDapt
  • Software is now being trialled in the Australian cities of Perth and Townsville.
  • Alias name  “HomeSmart”