She Claims A Million Dollar For Secretly Recording Her Nude On A Rig


Oil Rig Worker Claims She Was Secretly Recorded And Filed A $1 Million Lawsuit


Jane Doe, 26 year old, claims that just a normal clothing hook, mounted on the back door of her sleeping quarters, on the oil rig she was working, should have recorded her privacy.

Once the clothing hook disappeared in her room, she says the only other woman on the rig found that the same clothing hook had suddenly appeared in her room.

They opened the hook and found what she says was actually a covert, motion-activated recording device.  Inside, she says, was a tiny camera and memory card capable of holding footage. She saw the footage of her unsuspecting colleague inside the memory card.

Assuming the worst, she concludes that for several days her nude body was recorded while she thought she was alone in her sleeping quarters.  She says she went immediately to her supervisors to report what happened. “They told me no such footage existed.”

In a lawsuit filed in March, she is asking for damages of more than $1 million.

Source: CNN