ClassNK Grants World First AiP To LPG Dual Fuelled Bulk Carrier


ClassNK grants world-first AiP to Imabari Shipbuilding for their concept design of a 180,000 DWT LPG dual fuelled bulk carrier, says a press release published on their website.

AiP for LPG dual fuelled bulk carrier

Classification Society ClassNK granted an Approval in Principle (AiP) to Imabari Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. for their concept design of a 180,000 DWT LPG dual fuelled bulk carrier. The bulk carrier was developed in cooperation with Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. 

The AiP was granted to the concept design based on the Society’s Guidelines for Ships Using Low-Flashpoint Fuels and its Rule Part GF (regulation for ships using low-flashpoint fuels) incorporating:

  • International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code), 
  • the current IMO Res. MSC.391(95) and 
  • the MSC.458(101) revision planned for release in 2024. 

This was the first LPG dual fuelled bulk carrier in the world to be granted an AiP.

Features of the design

Imabari Shipbuilding  announced the main features of the design as follows:

  • As one of the merits of this design, it eliminates the necessity for special consideration of boil off gas with this design handling LPG at room temperature and high pressure, which makes the ship’s operation easier. 
  • In addition, the ship has been designed with extensive consideration towards cost competitiveness by eliminating the use of low-temperature materials such as stainless steel and cryogenic insulation. 
  • LPG tank is planned/designed to be installed in the aft area of the bridge and with round-trip distance capacity between Japan and Australia. 
  • And, as for supplying LPG to the ship, nowadays, LPG supply bases and infrastructure facilities are globally more developed and improved, which makes the ship’s operation more flexible. 

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Source: ClassNK