Container Ship Detained For Safety Defects


The Coast Guard inspectors detained a container ship at the Port of Tacoma for the safety defects.


A Coast Guard inspection carried out on a container reported the following defects:

  • Oil-soaked rags in the machinery spaces
  • Oil in the ship’s bilge
  • Clogged and deteriorated oil drains
  • Leaking oil and water fittings

The coast guard foresees a danger of fire as a consequence of the above defects.  Hence, the Coast Guard inspectors detained the container ship at the Port of Tacoma and ordered the ship operator to rectify all the issues immediately.

Capt. Thomas Griffitts, deputy commander of Coast Guard Sector Puget Sound said: “We are continuing to monitor the vessel after discovering safety violations and working with the crew and appropriate authorities to ensure that the issues found are corrected before the ship resumes operations.”

Source: Coast Guard News