Donald Trump as a President Candidate for 2016


donald.pngProperty billionaire Donald Trump has intended to run for the White House in the 2016 election.  Mr. Trump, is the 12th Republican presidential candidate besides Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Florida’s former governor Jeb Bush who are among the early frontrunners.  At New York’s Trump Towers on Fifth Avenue, he has promised his supporters to make the country great once again.

Also, he has expressed his support for gun rights and assured protection for the US government programs like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.  Mr. Trump believed that their country is in serious trouble and they do not have enough victories anymore.

The country is feeling the heat of developing countries like China and many others. Even in the past he has shown his penchant towards politics but was often derided as a joke.  But now with campaign staff and a net worth of more than $8.5bn, he has the resources to toss the Republican presidential field.  He is on the lookout for a spot on the stage in the forthcoming Republican debates where he can showcase his willingness to take swings at his opponents.