Emission Monitoring System for EU MRV Ready!



Verifavia, the world’s leading emissions verification company for the transport sector, announced that it has fully certified Greek-based maritime information and communication technology (ICT) solutions provider DYNAMARINe’s Emission Monitoring system against the EU Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) regulation requirements.

From 2018 onwards, owners and operators of ships exceeding 5,000 GT will be required to monitor, report, and submit their independently verified carbon emissions on all voyages to, from and between EU ports.  The data collected will be made publicly available for over 10,000 vessels visiting EU ports.

DYNAMARINe’s Emission Monitoring system

DYNAMARINe’s Emission Monitoring system is designed to enable technical operators to access energy data monitored on board to optimise the energy consumption of the ship.  In addition, the system provides numerous analysis tools and functionalities to help identify inconsistencies, errors, and any unanticipated deviations in the data – ensuring they can be corrected before a conclusion on the ship’s overall performance is made.

Nikolas Theodorou, Managing Director, Verifavia Shipping Hellas, commented that DYNAMARINe’s Emission Monitoring system has been rigorously reviewed by our expert team of verifiers using the ISO standards 25051 on software engineering and 17065 on product certification.  As part of the certification, we conducted a site visit to observe and evaluate the IT system, and were impressed by the robustness and quality of reports automatically generated by the system.  We believe that it will genuinely support shipping companies in complying with the Regulation by providing transparent and accurate data.

Compliance, a challenge

Compliance with the EU MRV Regulation and the collection of CO2 data for over 10,000 ships presents a significant challenge for the shipping industry.  To keep apace, new and innovative ICT solutions are emerging to assist owners and operators with auditing purposes.  However, to support monitoring and reporting that satisfies compliance requirements, it is essential that these new processes are fully certified.

To obtain certification, DYNAMARINe’s Emission Monitoring system was assessed against the requirements of the EU MRV Regulation (2015/757) in terms of process and functionality. The system effectively demonstrated its ability to automatically generate both voyage reports and annual reports for individual ships – taking into consideration the location of the ports of call, and the cargo / pax activity at these ports of call throughout the year.

Alexandros Glykas, Director, DYNAMARINe, commented that they pride ourselves in being able to align with our customers’ business objectives – ensuring that they are able to efficiently, accurately, and cost-effectively cope with the requirements of the EU MRV Regulation.

Stelios Perissakis Director, DYNAMARINe, added that by receiving early MRV certification from experienced, independent verifier Verifavia Shipping, we hope that our customers will be reassured in our system’s ability to accurately monitor, gather, and report any vessel type’s carbon emissions.

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Source: Verifavia Shipping