First Merchant Vessel Sails From China to Sweden via Northwest Passage


first merchant vessel

Vessel Name

: 14357-GT – general cargo ship YONG SHENG


: China to Varberg on the Swedish West

Starting Date

: July 22nd

Arrival Date

: August 16th

The cargo ship by name YONG SHENG  is the first merchant vessel ever taking the  Northwest Passage to Sweden from Jiang Yin, China.

Hong-Kong flagged general cargo ship YONG SHENG,  built 2002 in DAMEN SHIPYARD GALATZ in Romania.  The ship is owned and managed by the Chinese shipping company COSCOL HK INVESTMENT.

The cargo ship left Jiang Yin on the 22nd of July and is expected to arrive at Varberg by 16th of August. In the Swedish port of Varberg, the vessel is discharging Wind Towers.

Source: Vesselfinder