Green Ship Gets Priority Booking Through Panama Canal



The Panama Canal reward ships meet “high standards of environmental efficiency” ahead of its reserves from next year, reported the aquatic route.

The “Environmental Premium Ranking” initiative, whose participation is optional, it will start to be implemented in transits take place from January 1, 2017.

Vessels want to be part of this initiative must be powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) or score at least one of three indicators: Energy Efficiency Index Design (EEDI, for its acronym in English), Environmental Index ship (ESI, for its acronym in English) or Index Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), said the administration.

The waterway grant “additional percentage points” to these vessels on the criterion “number of transits”, one of many that are used to make the waiting list to cross the channel, which “may eventually help ships to improve its position in the classification of customers,” said the inter-oceanic route.

“With the addition of the Environmental Premium Ranking to our Recognition Program, we promote our customers’ efforts to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases and to invest in sustainable technology,” said Panama Canal Administrator Jorge Luis Quijano.

This initiative is part of a larger program, Environmental Recognition Program, which also includes the delivery of “Green Connection” award.

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SourcePanama Today