Guidelines For Efficient And Compliant Fixed-Pitch Propeller Retrofits


DNV has recently introduced detailed guidelines for efficiently handling fixed-pitch propeller retrofits as part of decarbonization efforts in the maritime industry. This increase in retrofit projects requires careful planning and swift actions from all stakeholders to complete retrofits efficiently and comply with regulations.

Key Elements of the Retrofit Process

  1. Propeller Approval and Certification: DNV’s role involves verifying the new propeller’s compliance with standards, including propeller fitting, boss cap fins (PBCF), and propulsion arrangement. DNV’s “Fleet Status” on the Veracity platform helps owners manage the alteration requests, while propeller manufacturers submit their certification requests.
  2. On-Site Surveys and Installation Inspections: These steps ensure compliance through inspections and tests, such as the torsional vibration calculation. Surveyors work with stakeholders to agree on inspection and testing plans, ensuring proper installation.
  3. Impact on EEXI Technical File: If power limitations change during the retrofit, the EEXI Technical File may need to be adjusted. If performance improvements make existing engine limitations unnecessary, the EEXI Technical File will also need to be updated.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

DNV oversees compliance with SOLAS (for crash-stop tests) and MARPOL (for the EEXI Technical File). Other applicable standards, such as IMO Resolution A.601(15), may also be relevant, depending on vessel specifics.


Owners and manufacturers are encouraged to follow DNV’s guidance for a smooth, cost-effective retrofit that aligns with compliance requirements. For more information, DNV provides resources on the Rules and Standards webpage and through technical support on Veracity’s Direct Access to Technical Experts (DATE) service.

Read the full article here

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Source: DNV