Day 1 – Whats Happening At The Condition Based Maintenance Conference?

What Happened at the Condition Based Maintenance Conference? IMarEST - organized a condition based maintenance conference at Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium - the event sponsored...

Wärtsilä Nacos Platinum System Attracts 27 Maersk Boxships

Wärtsilä Nacos Platinum System for 27 Maersk Boxships Wärtsilä has been contracted to supply the Wärtsilä Nacos Platinum integrated navigation, automation and propulsion control systems...

First Ship Contest Runs Through March 31st

Which Saltie Will The Be First In 2016? Think!! You can guess the exact date and time the very first ocean-going vessel (saltie) of 2016...

Boaty McBoatface: Do You Want to Reject the Name?

Will The Polar Ship Be Named As Boaty McBoatface? The Natural Environment Research Council has planned to name its ship in a competition.  James Hand,...

World’s First Floating Wind Farm Pilots The Innovative Batwind

Statoil Develops A New Battery Storage For Offshore Winds Statoil has launched Batwind - a new battery storage solution for offshore wind energy, which will...

MOL To Offer The World’s 1st SIGTTO Standard Certification Center

MOL Receives The First SIGTTO Certification Of Seafarer Training MOL Marine Co. Ltd.,(MOLMC) has received the certification of an LEG (Liquefied Ethane Gas) / LPG...

Bulker Runs Aground In Columbia River

Grain Vessel Grounded In Columbia River 623 feet Bulker runs aground hitting a submerged object in a narrow part of the river near Cathlamet. The Panamanian-flagged...

[Watch] Tugs Help The Bulker Stay Afloat

  A bulk carrier ran aground in a narrow stretch of the Columbia River near Cathlamet, Washington.  The vessel is damaged below the waterline,...

Italy Is In Danger Of Losing 20,000 Jobs At Sea

Italy is in Danger of  Losing 20,000 Jobs At Sea And 500 Ships 80% of the Italian merchant fleet in Italy might leave the national...

Roger Agnelli – Man Behind Vale Dies In A Plane Crash

Roger Agnelli and his family died in a plane crash after his private jet crashed into a residential building in Sao Paulo. Agnelli, his wife...