Obama Unveils Clean Power Plan

US President Barack Obama unveiled the biggest and most important step for tackling climate change. Power stations are the largest source of greenhouse gases in the US and account for about one third of all...

[Watch] Dangerous Sucking Whirlpool

VIDEO: EMBED PLS -  One of the vast and overwhelming subject is Ocean.  Sailors experience and witness enormous mysteries under the water, all around the world.  Experts have analysed the top 10 uncovered phenomena.  One...

Chartered Status for CoC and Master Mariners

The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology (IMarEST) has announced the charting of Class One Certificates of Competency (unlimited) and Master Mariner Certificates to a Chartered Status qualification.The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science...

20 Injured As 2 Cranes Topple

Two cranes hoisting a massive section of the bridge collapsed in a western Dutch town on Monday, flattening a row of houses and injuring at least 20 people, authorities said.Dramatic videos of the accident...

Fire on board a Flexlay Vessel

Scottish Coast Guard Extinguishes Fire On Board A Flexlay VesselVessel Name: ROV Subsea Viking 7 Location: Scotland - Hatson Pier on Orkney Island Casualties: None Owner: Eidesvik Shipping  Chartered to: Subsea 7 A fire broke out onboard Viking 7 - a 103 metre, construction...

Cherished Moments: A Meet With The Then Indian President

Dr. AVUL PAKIR JAINULABDEEN ABDUL KALAM ( Dr APJ ABDUL KALAM ) lovingly called "People's President" was the 11th President of the Republic of India from 2002 to 2007.  What was remarkable was that...

Investment Of $314m On Four Tankers By TEN

Greek tanker Tsakos Energy Navigation (TEN) has made an investment of around $314m in acquiring two VLCCs and two suezmaxes.Tsakos Energy Navigation (TEN), Greek tanker, has made an announcement regarding the purchase of two...

Low Flashpoint Fuel – The Legal/Commercial Impact

The commercial & legal aspects of storing and using a bunker fuel with a low flashpoint.We are presenting this write-up to throw light on the commercial/legal aspects when your vessel carries a Low flash...

Role-Playing With Photos Of Other People’s Children

If you have ever posted a picture of your child online, the role-playing game #BabyRP may make you double check your privacy settings. Players take photos of children harvested from other people's accounts.  They then...

The Suez Canal And The Six Concurring Facts

The trial run has been completed in Egypt’s Suez Canal (expansion project) ahead of next month’s official opening.  The $8.5 billion project would have got finished only in 12 months if it was completed...