900+ Solar Panels on a K-Line Car Carrier Make it “Drive Green”!

  K Line’s Energy Efficient ship, “Drive Green Highway”, is the first among eight solar assisted car-carrier ships that was launched in Nagasu Port in Kumamoto, Japan earlier this week. Features :Ship is 200 meters long,...

Rescue Team Flew Overnight to Save a Seafarer Aboard a Cargo Ship

CareFlight Rescue Ill 20-Year-Old Sailor From Ship Nearly 500 km From DarwinWouldn't this be a nightmare when you are out at sea and someone under your responsibility falls sick! That too, if it is...

China The Strong Challenger

China in spite of its economic slowdown contributes to the global economic growth and has considerable development potential.  China has a large number of research centers and universities gives excellent opportunities for foreign investment....

A Pause for the Baltic Index, Maersk CEO on Oil Prices, China Has the...

The Maritime world has started to witness lots of market fluctuations and downtrends this New Year 2016.  The Baltic Dry Index touched record low without any single spike this year.  The scrapyards are excited...

Einstein made it right once Again after 101 Years

By detection of gravitational waves Scientists Just Proved Einstein's Big Breakthrough, 101 Years Later.Scientists say they've finally recorded direct evidence of the tiny ripples in space-time.  A century ago Einstein announced his Theory of Relativity,...

Hazardous Maintenance Work Done In An Unplanned Manner Caused Serious Injury

A seaman suffered a serious finger injury during maintenance work. Incident: A seaman was working on deck with the Bosun. He worked on colour-code painting of the shackles and moving the shackles on to the rack...

High Exhaust Gas Temperature Caused Exhaust Manifold to Collapse!

A ferry with twin propulsion engine faced high exhaust gas temperatures on both the engines for many years, such as high that the exhaust manifold collapsed two times on both engines.  The ship staff...

Maersk & Navig8 – Profits up with Product Tankers, HHI Opens the Order Book...

The New Year 2016 was not a good start for the dry bulk division where the baltic dry index slipped to a record low.  The Baltic Dry Index dropped every day where media claimed...

Delivery Of Six New VLCCS Kick Starts A Busy Delivery Year

Six brand new VLCCs from shipyards in South Korea and China to owners and investor across the globe marks a grand beginning for 2016. 58 more  VLCCs are scheduled for delivery for the full year...

Vessel Listed? Port of Rotterdam has a Solution!

Modern Express salvaged by Smit Salvage, in the Gulf of Biscay. Stricken vessel Modern Express is towed by another ship entering at the port of the northern Spanish city of Bilbao, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016. Royal...