Indian PM Launches ‘Modi Mobile App’

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had launched on Wednesday, an android based app to provide everyone an instant update and a means to interact with him.  It can be downloaded from Play Store. PM...

US Visa Services Globally Hit Due to a Hardware Problem

America's visa issuing processes across the globe was hit by a snag in State Department's computer system. Reported Issues :Non-immigrant visa  interviews to the United States have been put on hold. Scheduled interviews between June 22...

Dyslexia Awareness through New Font

Dyslexia is a condition where nearly ten percent of the world’s population is estimated to suffer from reading disorder, which, in numerical terms will be about 800,000,000 persons.  They are dubbed as lazy people...

Fried Rat Served in KFC

Devorise Dixon, a 25-year-old California man claimed that KFC had served him Kentucky Fried Rat, instead of the three-piece chicken that he ordered on June 10.  He posted photos of his alleged rat on...

Bill Gates is Top Most Self-made Billionaire of the World

Bill Gates is once again the richest person on the planet, a title he's held for 16 out of the last 21 years. He recaptured the top spot in March 2014 after a four-year...

US: Woman to Feature on New $10 Note

As per the US Treasury Department, a woman will feature on the country’s redesigned $10 note. However, it has not been decided who the woman will be.  The note, which will debut in 2020,...

Mark Zuckerberg, Wife Donate $5 Million to TheDream.US Scholarship Fund

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced that he and his wife Priscilla Chan have donated $5 million to the scholarship fund - TheDream.US - to help undocumented immigrants in the US to attend college. The...

Man Faces $68,000 Fine for Swearing on WhatsApp.

A man in United Arab Emirates (UAE) has been fined $68,000 by the Federal Supreme Court (FSC) for swearing at a colleague in a WhatsApp message. A lower court had earlier slapped him with...

AT&T faces $100 Million fine for throttling data speeds.

The Federal Communications Commission which regulates the telecommunications industry in the US, has slapped a $100 million fine on AT&T for violating the transparency rule of its 2010 open Internet order on net neutrality....

Engine room

Main engine deck of a cargo vessel.Location of a ship's engine room on a container ship.On a ship, the engine room, or ER, is the propulsion machinery spaces of the vessel. To increase a...